Terms of use



1. **Company Identification Data:**
- Company Name: UNAILAV-IAHIM S.R.L
- Trade Register Number: J22/2175/2023
- VAT (Unique Registration Code): RO48473747
- Email: info@datingbby.com

2. **Payment Methods:**
- We accept card payments through Visa, Mastercard, PayPal, MobilePay and Bank Transfers.

3. **ANPC Informative Measures:**

- Article 7, 19, 20, and Article 25 paragraph (3) of Government Ordinance no. 38/2015 regarding the alternative resolution of disputes between consumers and traders, with subsequent amendments;
- Article 1 paragraph (1) and Article 66 letter e) of Government Ordinance no. 21/1992 regarding consumer protection, republished, with subsequent amendments and completions;
- Article 5 paragraph (5) of Government Decision no. 700/2012 on the organization and functioning of the National Consumer Protection Authority, with subsequent amendments and completions;
- Report no. 5,286 dated 31.05.2022 prepared by the Alternative Dispute Resolution Directorate,

the president of the National Authority for Consumer Protection issues this order.

Article 1
(1) To ensure consumers' easy access to the alternative dispute resolution entity within the National Authority for Consumer Protection and to alternative dispute resolution procedures (ADR procedures) for the alternative resolution of their complaints, traders are obliged to display the informative plaque provided in Annex No. 1, which is an integral part of this order.
(2) The plaque provided in paragraph (1) will be produced by the trader, according to the model presented in Annex No. 1, and will be displayed in the consumer's visual field, in a visible place, near the cash register or next to the operating hours, in the sales or, as the case may be, service area, including tourist services, the sale of tourist service packages or airline tickets.

Article 2
(1) Traders managing sales websites, online order placement, and/or advertising of products and/or services, tourist services, the sale of tourist service packages, or airline tickets, including e-commerce - electronic commerce, are obliged to display on the first page of the website - home page the icons provided in Annex No. 2, which is an integral part of this order.
(as of 18-03-2023, Paragraph (1) of Article 2 was amended by Point 1, Article I of ORDER No. 32 of January 11, 2023, published in the OFFICIAL GAZETTE No. 133 of February 16, 2023)
(2) The icons provided in paragraph (1) will have dimensions of 250 (W) x 50 (H) pixels and will have an associated link with an external reference to the ADR section of the official page of the National Authority for Consumer Protection - https://anpc.ro/ce-este-sal/, respectively, to the European Commission's SOL Platform - ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr.
(3) The plaque provided in Article 1 and the icons provided in paragraphs (1) and (2) will be downloaded for free from the official website of the National Authority for Consumer Protection, by accessing the link: https://anpc.ro/ce-este-sal/.

Article 3
Traders operating in sectors/domains for which specific ADR entities are established, according to the provisions of Government Ordinance no. 38/2015 regarding the alternative resolution of disputes between consumers and traders, with subsequent amendments, are exempt from the provisions of this order.

Article 4
Authorized representatives of the National Authority for Consumer Protection will monitor compliance with the provisions of this order within 45 days from its publication in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I.

Article 5
This order shall enter into force within 30 days from the date of publication in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I.

4. **Section Dedicated to Terms and Conditions:**
- Please refer to the dedicated Terms and Conditions section on Datingbby.com for detailed information, including payment methods.

5. **Delivery Policy:**
- Details regarding our product/service delivery policy are specified in the https://datingbby.com/privacy section.

6. **Refund Policy:**
- Information on return and order cancellation procedures can be found in our page Refund https://datingbby.com/refund.

7. **Privacy and Personal Data Processing Policy:**
- Please consult our Privacy Policy https://datingbby.com/privacy for information on the collection and processing of personal data.

8. **Use of the Dating Site:**
- Accessing and using this dating site is subject to acceptance and compliance with these Terms and Conditions. By accessing and using the site, you confirm your agreement with our terms.

9. **Eligibility:**
- Use of the dating site is open to users of all ages. However, by using the site, you affirm that you are legally eligible to enter into contracts in accordance with applicable laws in your jurisdiction.

10. **Privacy and Security:**
- We are committed to protecting the confidentiality and security of your personal information. Please refer to our Privacy Policy https://datingbby.com/privacy for details.

11. **Profiles and Communication:**
- Users are responsible for the information provided in their profiles. Communication between users must adhere to the norms of politeness and not violate any laws or rules.

12. **Prohibited Content:**
- Posting or distributing illegal, obscene, threatening, defamatory, or intellectual property rights-violating content is prohibited.

13. **Account Termination:**
- We reserve the right to suspend or close the accounts of users who violate these Terms and Conditions or engage in inappropriate behavior.

14. **User Responsibility:**
- Users are responsible for their own actions and interactions on the site. We do not assume responsibility for relationships or their consequences.

15. **Subscription Prices**

1. One-week subscription - $50 (can reply to messages, access to live entry, video/voice call, access to emojis, send gifts, unlimited messages and calls.)

2. One-month subscription - $200 (can reply to messages, access to live entry, video/voice call, access to emojis, send gifts, unlimited messages and calls.)

3. One-year subscription - $1000 (can reply to messages, access to live entry, video/voice call, access to emojis, send gifts, unlimited messages and calls.)

4. Lifetime subscription - $2000 (can reply to messages, access to live entry, video/voice call, access to emojis, send gifts, unlimited messages and calls.)


**Credit Prices**

1. 500 credits - $50 (can be used to send gifts, stickers, etc.)

2. 1000 credits - $100 (can be used to send gifts, stickers, etc.)

3. 2000 credits - $200 (can be used to send gifts, stickers, etc.)

16. Changes to Terms:

- We reserve the right to modify these Terms and Conditions. Any changes will be communicated through the site and will take effect immediately upon publication.